
Our Philosophy: Combining training, well-being and performance

Kon'ki means energy and perseverance in Japanese, two essential elements in a life path and a search for personal development.

Founded in 2006, Konki aims to improve the well-being of people, both privately and professionally. Our training, health and well-being activities significantly reduce the disorders caused by stress and tension and have a direct impact on the satisfaction, motivation and efficiency of participants. A staff member who feels good about themselves is not only more motivated but also more efficient!

Respect, Trust and Integrity are the values ​​that guide us.

Konki pays particular attention to the quality of service. A member of ComColors Belgium, the IBPO (Institute for the Prevention of Burn-out) and the Belgian Association of Seated Massage Practitioners as well as the Psy.be network of practitioners, Konki is very selective in the recruitment of its partners, whatever the area of ​​expertise. Each provider is known, tested and rigorously evaluated. In addition, all massage practitioners and other specialties sign an ethical charter containing the basic rules related to their field of expertise.